Empowering Christian Communities
Do you know that tech is part of God's package for our generation? Do you give thanks for the availability of technology which not only makes life better but has seen our generation walk in the peak of human civilization?
At Heaven ICT, we believe in the power of technology to enhance and amplify the mission of Christian-based institutions and churches. Our passion is to provide innovative Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of Christian Faith Community.
Basing our foundation in the scriptures "...I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some (1 Cor 9:22) and Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them (Romans 12:6) for the Glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31)" we are greatly compelled to make tech used for God's glory.
- www.heaven-ict.com
- +254799778836
- info@heaven-ict.com
- Luther Plaza, Nairobi Kenya